routinely offered


    The majority of procedures, consultations and services carried out at this surgery are paid for by the NHS. However, where additional services are provided, we are required to pass on the specific cost to patients. The type of additional, non-NHS funded services most frequently requested include:
     private sick notes
     insurance forms
     holiday cancellation forms, medical reports
     fitness to travel certificates
     private prescriptions
     passport signing
     some vaccination services
    Our fees for these services, which are in line with BMA approved national guidelines, are displayed in the surgery.


    New Horizons

    1- Inhaler technique videos















    2- NHS Health Check (

    3- NHS Choices (

    4- High Cholesterol (British Heart Foundation -BHF)

    5- Cardiovascular Disease Risk & Statins

    6- Cardiovascular Leaflet


    Here is a checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK, and the age at which you should ideally have them.
    2 months:
     Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib, a bacterial infection that can cause severe pneumonia or Meningitis in young children) given as a 5-in-1 single jab known as DTaP/IPV/Hib
     Pneumococcal infection
    3 months:
     5-in-1, second dose (DTaP/IPV/Hib)
     Meningitis C
    4 months:
     5-in-1, third dose (DTaP/IPV/Hib)
     Pneumococcal infection, second dose
     Meningitis C, second dose
    Between 12 and 13 months:
     Meningitis C, third dose
     Hib, fourth dose (Hib/MenC given as a single jab)
     MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), given as a single jab
     Pneumococcal infection, third dose
    3 years and 4 months, or soon after:
     MMR second jab
     Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio (DtaP/IPV), given as a 4-in-1 pre-school booster
    Around 12-13 years:
     Cervical cancer (HPV) vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer (girls only): three jabs given within six months
    Around 13-18 years:
     Diphtheria, tetanus and polio booster (Td/IPV), given as a single jab
    65 and over:
     Flu (every year) - If you like to learn more about Flu Vaccine please click the following link
     Travel Vaccines

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